Shadow Weaver package mock up by Stuart Cameron. |
This doesn't exist yet, but the Club Grayskull action figure subscription currently focuses on He-Man and the Masters of the Universe characters. This was a cartoon series that aired from 1982 to 1985, and was produced by US animation house Filmation for Mattel's toy line. Club Grayskull evolved from the highly successful (and ongoing) adult collector line Masters of the Universe Classics. The designs of the new line are simplified to reflect the cartoon style.
Club Grayskull 2016 is composed of He-Man, Skeletor, Evil-Lyn, Beast-Man, Clawful, Trap-Jaw and Evil Seed - all He-Man characters. So what about She-Ra? Could she be Club Grayskull (or Club Brightmoon) 2017? Perhaps the lineup is She-Ra (sub exclusive), Hordak, Shadow Weaver, Leech, Mantenna, Grizzlor and Tung Lashor.
Hordak mock up by Stuart Cameron. |