Tuesday, November 4, 2014

New Adventures of He-Man: Episode 9

The Youngest Hero
Written by Michael Stokey

On Nordor, Flogg plans to take a small team of Mutants to Primus, expecting to find an opening in the defenses after the Mutants' recent attack. Skeletor feigns being impressed by Flogg's plan - he's only interested in using the Mutants' attack as cover to get access to He-Man.

Grott and Drissi tend to their flock on Primus. Caz is bored, and speaks of wanting to join the Primus Space Force. Caz goes to Hydron to ask about the space force. Skeletor manipulates Quakke into accompanying him on his venture to Primus.

At sector 1-5, He-Man and the Galactic Guardians engage Flogg and his Mutants. After a brief skirmish, Flogg calls a retreat. It's enough to allow Skeletor to penetrate the planetary shield. Caz takes an Astrosub to intercept Skeletor's ship. Skeletor takes Caz prisoner. He delivers Caz to Primus, but with a virus. He-Man is forced to negotiate for an antidote - Skeletor demands He-Man's sword. He-Man gives over his sword, and the Lord of Destruction creates a duplicate of himself and tries to take down his helpless foe. Caz, now cured, distracts Skeletor and a skirmish breaks out. Grott retrieves He-Man's sword, and Skeletor and Quakke retreat.

This was another filler episode. It does bring focus on Drissi and Caz - Caz in particular. It was more a lesson about Caz slowing his pace, and not getting into trouble.

Appearing Characters:

Galactic Guardians
Master Sebrian
Evil Mutants
Slush Head

Saturday, October 25, 2014

New Adventures of He-Man: Season 1 Episode 8

Glasnost Schmasnost
Written by Kevin O'Donnell

The stars over primus are in a strange formation - the Galactic Council sends a message to Master Sebrian. The leader of the Council hopes to end the conflict between Primus and Denebria. Skeletor plots to ask the council to protect Denebria from Primus - only to impede and distract the Galactic Guardians long enough to allow the Mutants to disable Primus's shields.

Skeletor and "Ambassador" Slush Head woo the council and the onlookers in attempt to convince them that the Mutants want peace. BH (Butthead) is introduced, and Skeletor commands him to take an attempt on Mara's life (in disguise), so that Skeletor can risk his life in front of all.

The council decrees that Primus and Denebria must exchange delegations in an effort to usher peace. He-Man, Hydron and Flipshot land in the Quagmi Swamp and learn of Skeletor's plan to take out Primus. Though Slush Head, Karatti and Lizorr fail at stopping He-Man, one of Slush Head's Quagmi pets disables SS Eternia's navigation and communication device. He-Man, however uses the Power to access an opening in Primus's planetary shields. Skeletor retreats but leaves a bomb that threatens the planet. He-Man uses the Power Sword as a grappling device to retrieve the bomb and fling it into the Mutant Mothership. The bomb detonates, flinging the mothership away from Primus, causing Flogg to halt his invading armada.

This was a good episode. It doesn't directly advance the overall series plot, but it does show the vulnerability of the political system that keeps the Tri-Solar system in check. Skeletor maintains his characteristic sneaky and duplicitous nature.

Appearing Characters:

Galactic Guardians
Flip Shot
Master Sebrian

Evil Mutants
Slush Head
Butt Head

Sunday, October 5, 2014

New Adventures of He-Man: Season 1 Episode 7 Review

The Pen is Mightier than the Sword...or is it?
Written by Jack Olesker and Dorissa Curry

In Gorn City, Skeletor and Flogg search for Mutant recruits. Skeletor finds a piece of art on display, and senses something special about its creation. He discovers that the artist is Helm of Darus 7. Helm is on a trade mission, and has made a stop on Primus. He bequeaths Mara and Sebrian with some of his paintings. In a conversation with Gleep, Adam discovers that his interest in Mara has not gone unnoticed by the droid.

Skeletor finds passage to Primus via Captain Dipper's transport ship. He escapes being discovered by Galactic Guardians during their inspection. He uses a spell to unleash a dragon from one of Helm's paintings. The dragon attacks Leviton. Hydron and Flipshot attempt to stop the dragon with lasers that could damage a Mutant mother ship. The dragon turns its interests to the Oasis, where Master Sebrian resides. Adam becomes He-Man and defeats the dragon, which disintegrates. The Scientists discover that the particles from the dragon are made of temperic oil paint, as used in Helm's paintings. Adam becomes suspicious of Helm; Helm accuses Adam of being jealous of Mara's attention on Helm.

Skeletor activates another of Helm's paintings in the Scientist's lab - He-Man is able to defeat the butterfly creature. He realizes that Mara and Sebrian are endangered by the paintings they were given. Discovering the foul play of Skeletor, He-Man races to rescue them from the painting creatures. Helm reluctantly destroys his magic paint brushes, which stops the creatures. As Skeletor attempts to attack the party directly, Helm's hunter painting retaliates and chases Skeletor and Slush Head. Mara becomes suspicious of Adam's disappearance. He-Man quickly comes up with an excuse for his absence, and apologizes to Helm for Adam's unfounded accusatory demeanor.

This is an interesting episode - it does not advance the overall plot of the series however. This episode is noteworthy of revealing the romantic element in the relationship between Adam and Mara - particularly Adam's jealous feelings. Adam doesn't seem to have his feelings sorted out, since just in the previous episode, some flirtatious dialogue was exchanged between himself and Drissi. Skeletor again hints at his continued strategy of working subversively against enemies and allies alike.

Appearing Characters
Galactic Guardians:
Master Sebrian

Space Mutants:
Slush Head

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

MikeJenkinsDesign.com at St. Pete Artwalk at Brew D Licious

Sunday, July 6, 2014

MikeJenkinsDesign.com at Crafty Fest!

The Kowl-O-Meter